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Save Money Using a Flexible or Health Savings Account for Certain Over The Counter Products
“Letter of Medical Necessity” Can Make Big Cystex Savings Possible Do you rely on a Cystex product to help you manage symptoms of a urinary tract infection while awaiting treatment with antibiotics to begin or kick-in? Or to prevent worsening symptoms? Or because you experience recurring urinary tract infections that you and your doctor are […]
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What Color is Your Urine? And What Does It Mean?
Next bathroom break, take a peek in the toilet. What color do you see?
Believe it or not, pee isn’t always “yellow.” There’s actually a range of colors that can show up in your urine — some are variations of “normal” and some are signs that it’s time to talk to your doctor.
So, what’s your urine trying to tell you and what should you do about it?

Urinary Symptoms? Your Doctor *Really* Wants to Hear from You (Even During a Pandemic)
No one wants an avoidable trip to the doctor or, worse, the emergency department; especially when we’re being advised or mandated to stay at home except for the essentials. Your health, though, is essential and that includes your urinary health. If you’re experiencing urinary tract infection (UTI) symptoms (listed below), please don’t ignore them or […]
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You’re Cured! You’re NEVER Getting a UTI Again! Now What?
Ok, no one can really promise you that you’ll never get a UTI again. But if you’re cleaning out your medicine cabinet and you’ve got some Cystex products that are expired, or no longer needed, it’s time to do the right thing and dispose of those unused, out-of-date medications properly. This is an important be-a-good-human […]
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Can a Smartphone Camera Diagnose a UTI?
Scientists in England are working on a new way to detect urinary tract infections (UTIs) using smartphone cameras. While still in development, the new test could help doctors diagnose a urinary tract infection in just 25 minutes — eliminating the need to send samples to a lab (a process which can take days!) The process […]
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Help UTI-proof Your Summer in 7 Steps
Summer’s on its way and we’re thinking about the beach, pool, hot weather, and fun! What we don’t want to think about is an annoying urinary tract infection (UTI) getting in the way. Unfortunately, some things about summer can make UTIs more likely to strike. You can help to prevent them, though, with a few […]
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Valentine’s Day Wish List? NO UTIs Please
This Valentine’s Day, let there be love – for healthy habits that can help prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs) as well as for symptom relief and the right treatment when (and if) you need it. What’s the connection between making love (having sex) and developing a UTI? While sex does not cause UTIs, sex can […]
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Myths vs. Facts about Urinary Tract Infections
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common (more than 50% of all women will experience a symptomatic UTI in their lifetimes), but unfortunately, so is UTI misinformation. In honor of back-to-school season we’d like to help set the record straight and bust prevailing UTI myths with facts. Myth: You could have prevented that UTI. Fact: Cut […]
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Why you need to see a doctor when you get a UTI
By Dr. Allison Hill, OB/GYN According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, 60% of women will contract a UTI at some point in their lives and of that 60%, approximately 40% will have another. To put that into perspective, UTIs account for more than 8 million doctor visits each year, […]
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The Ultimate Honeymoon Packing List
Summer is officially here and we are so excited for the beach days, bonfires and tropical vacations that lie ahead. Summer also means honeymoon season is in full-swing. As you probably know, sex can increase your chances of getting a UTI. UTI’s are definitely not welcome on honeymoon itineraries, so read on to see what […]
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